Arvo Creative Graphic Design Logo

JUUCE Haircare

The Vision

JUUCE Haircare, an Australian-owned brand renowned for its eco-friendly ethos, has become the first haircare company in Australia to achieve a zero carbon footprint. Their passion for hair, inclusivity, individuality, and sustainability drives their mission to create cleaner, safer products. Formulated with environmentally friendly ingredients and packaged in 100% recycled Australian land waste plastic, JUUCE is dedicated to protecting our planet while celebrating personal style.

Our Approach

Collaborating closely with the team at JUUCE Haircare, we brought their vibrant and dynamic new website to life. Our objective was to create a digital presence that not only reflects their brand values but also engages their diverse audience. Utilising the custom website designs provided by JUUCE, we meticulously developed the site on the WordPress platform, ensuring a seamless blend of aesthetics and functionality.

The Execution

To achieve this, we leveraged a suite of specialised WordPress plugins to facilitate various custom features, including:

  • Custom Post Types: Tailored to showcase JUUCE’s unique product range and storytelling.
  • E-commerce Integration: Enabling smooth navigation and an enhanced shopping experience for users.
  • Stockist Locator: Helping customers easily find JUUCE products at nearby locations.

Tools & Technologies

  • WordPress: Our platform of choice for its flexibility and robust capabilities.
  • Custom Plugins: Developed to meet JUUCE’s specific needs, from product management to stockist location.
  • Responsive Design: Ensuring a flawless user experience across all devices.

By merging creativity with cutting-edge technology, we successfully delivered a website that not only embodies JUUCE Haircare’s vibrant spirit but also supports their commitment to sustainability and innovation. This project is a testament to our dedication to crafting bespoke digital solutions that resonate with our clients’ core values and vision.